Monday, May 3, 2010

Who needs drugs?

I am 15 weeks today!  That is two weeks into the second trimester. That, for those of you who don't know, is the party trimester. Just because you can't take drugs and drink margaritas, doesn't mean you don't get the benefits of chemicals surging through your system!

Ah, I'm exaggerating.  While i have woken up hung over and puking many many times during the first tri, i have not once felt drunk or high.  But there are sure similarities. What i have felt is this:

First Trimester

Emotional!  (like drunk) I have cried bitterly because my waffle sucked. (in my defense it really was a very bad waffle) i also cried when i was late for a yoga class.  Those are two unreasonable ones, but i am also crying at a lot more news stories, movies and the odd at&t commercial.  I watched the business of being born and i cried during every birth in that movie!  Great documentary by the way! And lastly in this category, i am using more !!!!!'s in my writing than ever!  Seriously!

Tired! (like stoned) Too tired to finish a sentence sometimes, which if you know me is pretty incredible. (and if you don't know me how did you find this blog?) Too tired to exercise. Which is bad because i will be getting married in a few weeks and i would really like it if my arms don't look pregnant too.  Too tired to brush my teeth. Phinny, who is really a champ, brought me my toothbrush and a cup a water so i could brush my teeth in bed last night. Yay Phinny!

Hungry! (like stoned)  I now carry snacks in my car and on my person everywhere i go in case i get the munchies. the big difference is i don't have the desire to eat endless amounts of junk food.  Rather if i don't get to eat something i do want, right away! with no waiting! it starts to feel painful and i get a little sick and i may cry.  and it better not be a shitty waffle!

Heart Racing (stoned)  These are thankfully over. But it sure is weird to be just sitting around doing nothing and your heart starts pounding like you just narrowly averted a Mac truck at 89 mph.

Yucky taste (cocaine?) i don't know, i only took it once or twice and i think i remember it drips a bitter taste onto your throat the whole time. (how delightful, i wonder why i never got into it)  This lesser known symptom of pregnancy is an acrid or metallic taste in your mouth. It is exacerbated by sweet foods and for some very unfortunate women doesn't go away until delivery.  Thank freakin' god mine got much better after 3 days of tasting blech.  I would have killed somebody.  And then cried.

Thirsty, snotty, have to pee!!! (drunk) I am so thirsty all the time so I drink a lot of water. Mucus membranes are overactive because of the hormones so i need to clear my throat and cough and the combination blows, because i always have to pee. If i cough really hard when i already have to pee really bad... you get the picture, yes?

Sore (not like any drug i ever took)  My abdomen is just generally sore all the time. It's very mild, and it only hurts if i move fast.  It really isn't even much of an inconvenience unless i need to stretch to reach something or forget and try to run somewhere. But it is weird.  It feels like i'm being stretched out from the inside. Which i guess i am,  so maybe it's not weird at all.  But i have felt it constantly since the second week. just interesting. to me!  Maybe not so much to you. Who's making you read this? not me. Go read a book.  I'm going to cry.

Second Trimester!
Sexual!!!! (drunk?, stoned?, rolling?) i don't know, it hasn't kicked in yet like they promised, but i'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. talk about emotional (were you and phinny preg when you watched up in the air? hahahaha) - - - anyway - - I just saw a commercial for a movie called babies out this weekend. Just looked it up and:
    Filmmaker Thomas Balmes offers an adorable glimpse at the first phase of life in this film following four newborn babies through their first year of life. Ponijao, Bayar, Mari, and Hattie were born in Namibia, Mongolia, Japan, and California, respectively. By capturing their earliest stage of development on camera, Balmes reveals just how much we all have in common, despite being born to different parents and raised in different cultures
    even the commercial was touching.
